A picture of Baptiste Dupuch.

Baptiste Dupuch

Born and raised between Bordeaux and Les Landes de Gascogne (the nicest region in France :) now living in Paris. I'm an independant contractor since who started working in clojure in 2015. I've met Christophe working on `porktkey` (open source project) and collaborating with him on open-source and professionally.



How I got tricked into writing a Clojure port

By Christophe Grand and Baptiste Dupuch

My business partner (Baptiste Dupuch) identified Dart+Flutter as an interesting platform for mobile dev. For months (maybe it was just weeks or days but definitely felt like months) he was delusional about the idea of compiling Clojure to Dart and nagged me to join forces and start this project until, one day, he decided to take on this endeavor alone. Now I had to stop him. It was a trap!